Mind Body App
Step 1:
Download the Mind Body app for apple or android
Step 2:
Set up an account.
Step 3
Search for MNF around Luxembourg. You will find 2 MNF studios. 1 in the centre and 1 in Walferdange. Choose your prefered location. When you click on the location of your choice you will see 2 buttons at the bottom of your screen.
Step 4 Booking Group Classes
When you click view pricing, you can buy a pass for a drop-in session or a package of multiple sessions. To buy a pass you click PAY WITH and fill in your credit card details. Your credit is valid for 45 days from the day of purchase.
When you click view schedule you can scroll through the different classes and book a class.
Swipe to the right for the different Personal session packages. (APPOINTMENTS)
Step 5: Booking a Personal Session
When you click on, for instance, the 12 personal sessions pass, you can pick a staff member by name or a list of all male or female staff.
After selecting your prefered coach you can take a look at his or her schedule and pick a date and time for the first session.
Select the session and add your credit card details. After your purchase you can either schedule your prefered trainer per week or months in advance.
Please note, that all payments that go through are followed by a confirmation email. If you don't get any, your payment didn't go through and your session is not booked.